

Improving Municipal Energy Efficiency:
Leading by example, we will enhance the energy efficiency of municipal buildings, fleets, and operations. This includes upgrading infrastructure, implementing smart building technologies, and optimizing energy consumption to reduce costs and minimize our carbon footprint. This initiative goes beyond cost savings; it underscores our commitment to environmental stewardship by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring the long-term sustainability of our operations.

Renewable Energy Sources:
Efforts to promote the use of renewable energy sources in all land use decisions will be a priority. The town will also look to renewables as a source of economic development and public investment.

Promoting Low-Carbon Transportation:
Expanding accessibility for electric, plug-in hybrid, and low-carbon alternative fuel vehicles will be a priority. We aim to establish widespread charging capacity, encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly transportation options across North Hempstead. By doing so, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but also improve air quality and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, promoting a healthier and more sustainable community.

Land Use and Livable Communities

Land Use and Livable Communities

Preserving Open Space:
Our administration remains committed to preserving open spaces whenever possible, ensuring that our community continues to enjoy green areas and recreational opportunities. Beyond the aesthetic value, open spaces are essential for wildlife habitat, air and water quality, and residents’ mental and physical well-being.

Coastal Resilience:
By implementing best practices in our coastal neighborhoods, we will enhance resilience against extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and flooding, safeguarding our coastal communities for future generations. This entails comprehensive planning, shoreline restoration, and stormwater management strategies to protect both our environment and the homes and businesses along our coastlines.

Waste Management

Waste Management

School Recycling and Environmental Education:
We will reinstate and expand the award-winning “Town of North Hempstead School Recycling Partnership Program,” involving all 12 local school districts. This program not only reduces waste but also instills environmental stewardship in our children, encouraging them to practice recycling at home. The program’s expansion means that we can educate more students about recycling, fostering a lifelong commitment to sustainability.

Residential Composting Cooperative:
Introducing a curbside composting pilot program in a designated area with the aim of town-wide adoption will reduce organic waste, enrich soil quality, and promote a culture of sustainability. Composting is not only an effective waste reduction strategy but also a soil enhancement practice, supporting local agriculture and community gardens.

Transition to Sustainable Waste Fleets:
Encouraging our solid waste fleets to transition to energy-efficient vehicles will lower emissions, reduce operational costs, and set a positive example for the community. This initiative aligns with our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of municipal operations and supports the growth of the green vehicle industry.

Water Management

Water Management

Septic System Replacement Incentives:
Incentivizing the replacement of failing septic systems will reduce groundwater contamination and contribute to cleaner water resources. This program not only addresses a significant environmental concern but also ensures the health and safety of our residents.

Green Infrastructure for Flood Control:
Implementing green infrastructure in public and private spaces will control flooding and surface water pollution caused by stormwater runoff. Green infrastructure initiatives like rain gardens and permeable pavements not only mitigate flooding but also enhance the aesthetic value of our communities and support local biodiversity.

Trees and Native Species

Trees and Native Species

The Town of North Hempstead’s tree policy developed by Councilwoman Lurvey and the tree committee over which she presides will be a priority policy for my administration. Rain gardens and tree plantings with a focus on native species will be incorporated into all land use decision-making and ecosystem restoration.

Governance and Implementation

Governance and Implementation

Public Engagement for Plan Implementation

We will facilitate public engagement to ensure effective plan implementation, collaborating with local governments, businesses, organizations, and residents to achieve our sustainability objectives. Transparency and community involvement are essential to the success of our initiatives, as we believe that by working together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient North Hempstead.

By diligently executing these actionable sustainability initiatives, our administration is committed to building a greener, more prosperous, and socially responsible future for the Town of North Hempstead. Together, we can set a high standard for sustainable practices and create lasting positive impacts for our community. Our vision of a sustainable North Hempstead extends beyond immediate goals – it’s a legacy we aim to leave for future generations.

Land Use and Livable Communities

Corporate Carbon Challenge

Corporate Challenge for Carbon Emissions Reduction

Addressing climate change requires a collective effort that includes both public and private sectors. We will launch a corporate challenge aimed at engaging businesses to reduce their carbon emissions from food by 25 percent by 2030. By partnering with local companies and providing resources and incentives, we can support the private sector in adopting sustainable practices, contributing to our community-wide emissions reduction goals.

This initiative not only benefits the environment but also enhances the reputation of our local businesses as responsible corporate citizens.

Air Quality Monitoring Program

Air Quality Monitoring Program

The health and well-being of our residents are paramount.  To ensure that our air quality meets the highest standards, we will develop an air quality monitoring program.

This program will provide real-time data on air quality in various locations across North Hempstead, allowing us to respond proactively to any emerging air quality issues and safeguard the health of our community. Recent wildfire smoke from Canada reminds us that, despite our environmentally minded community, we are not immune from the global effects of climate change.

Integrated Emissions Inventory

Integrated Emissions Inventory

To comprehensively address our carbon footprint and identify opportunities for emission reductions, we are committed to releasing a new, integrated emissions inventory.

This inventory will consider emissions from the production of goods and services that North Hempstead residents use, regardless of where that production occurs. By adopting a holistic approach, we can better understand and mitigate our indirect emissions, contributing to our sustainability goals.